Cell Phone & Electronics Buy Back Center in Novi, Mi

Sell Your Electronics For Cash

Only 15-20 minutes from Novi, Mi, we make it convenient to sell your electronics. Secure an estimated price before you arrive. We buy back a variety of electronics for purchase.

Find Out if We Can Make You an Offer?
15-20 Mins Away from Novi, Mi
31092 Five Mile Rd, Livonia, MI 48154
Person wearing VR headset with various electronics displayed

Client Testimonials

“Great deals and customer service! I came by twice in one day and the next day recycled phones and sold a laptop. Perfect place to go!.”

“Best phone store Novi, Mi I love the customer service they always take care of the customers quickly and I had a great chat with Ahmed very nice guy I’ll be your number customer lol!”
“Came in minutes before closing and Zack was extremely resourceful and patient! 10/10!”

Explore What You Can Sell

Sell iPhone

Trade old iPhones for cash. Swift, eco-smart, and beneficial.

Sell iPad

Sell iPads and tablets. Max value, green choice.

Sell MacBook

Trade your MacBook. Smart, sustainable, top-dollar.

Sell Laptop

A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.

Convert Your Old Electronics to Cash in Novi

Trade your unused electronics for cash at our Cell Phone store. We streamline the process, eliminating random meetups. Simply receive an offer, and if it appeals, drop by for a smooth trade.

Steps to Sell Your Electronics:


Get An Offer

Just fill out the form above, call or text us, or visit our store.


Get Your Electronics Ready

This includes removing your iCloud account, resetting to factory settings, and charging it up.


The Best Part – Getting Paid!

Bring your electronics and any accessories to our store, and we’ll inspect them to ensure everything matches the information you provided. If everything checks out, we’ll pay you on the spot!

Common Items You Can Sell:

We also purchase a variety of other devices. To see if you can receive an offer for your item, simply complete the offer form above.

Got Electronics to Sell?
We'll Send Your Offer Via Text!

Fill out our form at the top and get immediate answers via text.

Person wearing VR headset with various electronics displayed